pirmdien, 7.03.2011 @12:13 pm

Journalism Illegal in China

pirmdien, 7.03.2011 @6:53 pm

According to the the SaiteCommittee to Protect Journalists, the Chinese government doesn’t think protests in the country are news events that should be covered by the media and so they’re Saitecracking down on reporters. Officials said journalists must seek advance permission and have threatened to revoke visas and residence permits if this “illegal” reporting continues. These new directives were issued to news outlets like the AP, the BBC and others.

Beidzot piebeidzu..

pirmdien, 7.03.2011 @9:00 pm

Beidzot piebeidzu office(718), tagad varēs nodoties itāļu valodai. Es pat īsti nezinu kur lai sāk. Gribētos atrast kaut ko līdzīgu šim - Saitehttp://www.nh.lv/kursi/ecourse/italu-valoda , tik bezmaksas. Ja nu ir nojausma par kaut ko līdzīgu, dod zināt.