kristiana - March 21st, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 21st, 2006

Jēziņ, kas te viņiem kāda meiteņu paradīze? [Mar. 21st, 2006|08:29 am]
Lūdzu, meitenes, mums visas iespējas vairot LV slavu:

My name is Abdoul Karim.
I must come to Riga, the 5 april, why I have job appointments, I work in
the oil field, I would want to meet in order to take a coffee with you, in
my Radisson hotel.
Hi, I just like meet U in Riga for take a cup of coffee in Radisson
Hotel and if do U agree I will give U 200$ as present.
In Riga I am alone and I dont know nobody, so I like go with U in
discos, pubs, bars and restaurants, do U agree?
U are very pretty and I like meet you!
But answer me by email because no good connection with
amigos, many time I cant go inside to AMIGOS (I am in Saudi Arabia), at: or
I need U mobile's number and some of U photos, please..
Abdoul Karim
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Lost Fun Zone [Mar. 21st, 2006|09:41 am]
I believe i am here to stay
I believe his son was sent to save
The fun zone is here
Right free so
Take me one more time
Take me one more time
Take me one more time
I don't believe that i gotta die some day
Please take me one more time
Take me one more time
Take me one more time
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