
Jun. 11., 2009 | 09:07 am

Pavirši lasot TVnet, manu uzmanību pēkšņi saasināja šis:
Gunta Veismane, Valsts kancelejas direktore: "Šajā situācijā, dižķibeles situācijā, es domāju, mēs gan varētu pieņemt atbildīgus lēmumus, vai nu drastiski samazinot šīs padomes, vai atstājot atbildību iestāžu vadītājiem."

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What is Serial?

Aug. 4., 2008 | 07:01 pm

Serial may sound like a tasty breakfast food, but its actually quite different. The word serial means "one after the other." For example, a serial killer doesn't stop with one murder, but stabs many people one after the other. Serial data transfer is when we transfer data one bit at a time, one right after the other.

No http://www.ladyada.net/learn/arduino/

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Aug. 4., 2008 | 06:13 pm

clean cat wash the cat(dirty cat) // a procedure for washing the cat
    turn on the shower;
    find the cat;
    grab the cat;
    put cat under shower;
    wait 3 minutes; // wait for cat to get clean.
    release cat;

This is a procedure for washing the cat. The name of the procedure is wash the cat, it uses a dirty cat as the input and returns a clean cat upon success. There are two brackets, an open bracket { and a closed bracket }, thats are used to indicate the beginning and end of the procedure. Inside the procedure are a bunch of statements, indicating the correct procedure for washing a cat. If you perform all of the statements then you should be able to turn a dirty can into a clean cat.

No http://www.ladyada.net/learn/arduino/

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Konceptuālā māksla

Okt. 13., 2006 | 12:01 pm

Bez komentāriem... ... tālāk ... )

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Sep. 5., 2006 | 10:05 pm

Mērķauditorija: dumjie biezie.

(Nav jāsaprot kā "visi biezie ir dumji". biezo apakštips - dumjie biezie - kā mērķauditorija, pieļaujot un pat akceptējot to, ka ir arī gudri, skaisti, toleranti, kulturāli, un ar vēl un vēl vairāk labām īpašībām apauguši biezie)

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