This is England

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Sep. 21., 2007 | 02:58 pm

Filmas par skiniem lielākoties ir foršas. Vismaz tās, kuras esmu redzējis. This is England arī laba. Vēl ir Romper Stomper un American History X, kas šajā sakarā būtu ieteicamas. Īpaši rekomendējamas brīžos, kad uznāk vēlme kļūt par skinu.

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Comments {7}


from: [info]antonija
date: Sep. 21., 2007 - 04:52 pm

Pulling on the boots and tightening up the laces Shaving their heads and strapping on the braces

There you have a skinhead, looking for a fight Skinhead, skinhead, running through the night


Skinhead, skinhead, running through the night Making lots of trouble, starting lots of fights

Skinhead, skinhead, getting really pissed

Skinhead, skinhead, tattoed on the wrist!

Hanging in the lane way, waiting for the scum SMASH THEIR YELLOW FACES, kick their fucking bum

When they plee for mercy, we will show none Skinhead, skinhead, 'til the job is done.


Skinhead, skinhead, putting on the boot Looking for a streetfight, looking for a row Skinhead, skinhead, running through the fights Skinhead, skinhead, stompin' on your face!

When the coppers see us, at first they pull the gun But when they see us come towards, then they start to run
When we wear our badges it make us feel proud Skinhead, skinhead, shout it out loud!

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Re: dziesmiņas

from: [info]kr15h
date: Sep. 21., 2007 - 04:59 pm

Tev jau nebūs šis te mp3 formātā?

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Re: dziesmiņas

from: [info]antonija
date: Sep. 21., 2007 - 05:43 pm

diemžēl ne. kompī mētājas tikai 3. gabals no visa CD - pulling on the boots, heh.
ņem par labu:)

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Re: dziesmiņas

from: [info]kr15h
date: Sep. 21., 2007 - 06:18 pm

Paldies ;)

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