pura vida hardcore version

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Feb. 19th, 2013 | 12:40 am

got to the job the other day and my boss*1 says that our restaurant still hasn't sorted out all the papers, so today I cannot work as I'm not peruvian and also still have no paperwork*2 done. even though its pretty early (around 12) I figure I should go and check on my friends, how are they after a crazy party night, so I just go 3 cuadras and find my superbestfriendforever awake, greet the others and meanwhile my darling does PLOCK the pill, "Marta, tomorrow im going to Mancora, so we have to do extacies now!", and the day beggins!! we take some big bottles of water and go to the our favorite parque (ok, maybe it's not the favorite, but it's the closest one, you just have to cross the street! naah, indeed it's the best one!), so we just start to immerge within the days breeze (the park is on the cliff and right down there is the ocean), all the huge, sticky and hot vapor is around us and we just tripping balls in the middle, where around are grandmothers and nannys with kids and dogs! CRAZYNESS

*1 -middle aged crazy english guy, living in Lima for past few years, still without any papers, sincere as hell (sometimes reminds me of big loveable teddy bear) who indeed loves to have some pints! a friend from hostel, now own's a posh and fancy hamburger gourmet bar in Lima (the difference is that in the same street you can find burgers for 2.5/sol, in our restaurant they cost around 30./sol, which obviously makes big difference in Peru). if we meet at our friends parties he always buys me a drink and some days ago just asked me: "hey marta, do you want some drugs?" and not waiting for the answer just says: "come with me" and out from the blue I'm doing lines with the aforementioned gentleman in one of the smallest bathrooms possible! i can just imagine how wierd that looks from the other point of view. written down point of view, ha!
*2 -paperwork to do in Peru can be a lifetime to wait. and not easy, as it's so many of them and nobody is really sure of what they are doing!

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