Jul. 14th, 2011 | 11:41 pm
From:: kosmonaute
pavasara rīts dzīvoklī, kur vienmēr ir pietumsināta gaisma. torīt dzeltenīgi-pelēks. pārējie ir prom.
mošanās. tuvums
klusums, guļammaisa un palaga čaukstoņa
-what happened yesterday? why were you crying?
-ahh, nothing..
-hey.. tell me! about what?
-about everything
-what is everything?
-you are.
-noo, co`mon, i'm nothing
-as i said before - i cried about Nothing.
Nothing happend to me.
varbūt, ka nesaprata. jo nepamanīja līdz brīdim, kad viss tika pieraudāts..
varbūt, ka nekad nav sapratis
mošanās. tuvums
klusums, guļammaisa un palaga čaukstoņa
-what happened yesterday? why were you crying?
-ahh, nothing..
-hey.. tell me! about what?
-about everything
-what is everything?
-you are.
-noo, co`mon, i'm nothing
-as i said before - i cried about Nothing.
Nothing happend to me.
varbūt, ka nesaprata. jo nepamanīja līdz brīdim, kad viss tika pieraudāts..
varbūt, ka nekad nav sapratis