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Sunday, August 22nd, 2004

    Time Event
    Šitas man iepatikās =) ... danke [info]ulvs
    "Your Drug Personality..."
    Party Drugs ((X,Coke, Meth, Dextro))
    Party party party party, You are prolly one crazy fuckerrrr. Ha thats cool tho, you are living your life like you want. Having fun, being crazy... and thats cool, when you die youll be one of the few that can say, and mean it, that you actually had a good time while alive. Maybe you've made some mistakes, but thats fine thats what life is about... you make mistakes and you learn from them... SO KEEP PARTYING AND LIVING IT UP
    Sirds pati vien zina savas sāpes, un neviens svešinieks nevar pilnīgi iejusties tās priekos...

    Current Music: Benassi Bros - Rumenian feat Violeta original version

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