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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Feb. 19th, 2010|08:33 am

I think a cool reality cross-over show would be "Survivor: Biggest Loser." Sure, you might tire of the intensified complaining as there would be no trainers or structured workouts to keep the overweight contestant occupied, but things would really heat up by day 10 when they start killing each other for food.

If James Brown really did feel that good, why did he yell out in pain in almost every song he ever sang? I call BS.

Oh, come on -- I can't possibly be the only person ever expelled from Farmville for playing with sheep in *that* way.

The Top Intimidating Military Names

- USS Unrefrigerated Tuna
- The USS PMS: "You Got A Problem With That?"
- USS Dr. Kevorkian: "Need Assistance?"
- Marine Infantry Division Hannibals: "Hello, Clarice"
- The USAF Mach 3 Precision Fighter/Bomber "Dentist Drill": "Hell, no, it isn't safe!"
- The F-18 Crap-Your-Pants
- The Battleship USS Donald: "You're Fired (Upon)!"
- The Pennysylvania National Guard Rosie O'Donnells: "Ready To Fight!"
- The F-28 Distempered Raccoon

The Top Signs It's Time for a Vacation

- You weep when you see resort commercials.
- Just good timing, what with the eight secretaries you knocked up expecting that week.
- You've offered use of your house in exchange for a tarp in Haiti.
- You thought that "beach" was a kind of tree.
- You've lost your second NFL championship by throwing an interception in the closing minutes.
- The last time you went to the beach, some dude was walking on the water.

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