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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Feb. 8th, 2010|08:11 am

We all have regrets from time to time. I'm sure one day I'll be lying on my deathbed wishing that I had just spent the extra money to get some other, better kind of bed.

The worst part about flesh-eating bacteria is that those egghead scientists haven't yet found a way to cram them into an effective diet pill.

The world can be divided into two kinds of people: those who say "OUCH!" when you show them a pierced nipple piercing, and those who say "COOL."

The Top Advantages to Porn in 3D

- It's much nicer than the Smell-O-Vision alternative.
- "When the cum hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore..."
- Helps get the kids more interested in Family Filth Night.
- Swaying augmented breasts in 3D can model the effects of a 7.0 earthquake on the San Andreas fault.
- Easier to calculate the surface area of Jenna Jamison's breasts.
- As James Cameron proved, with 3D you can turn a mediocre story into an Oscar-nominated film.
- Golly -- she really CAN poke an eye out with those things!
- Get plenty of exercise ducking, since Long Dong Silver seems intent on decapitating you.

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