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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Jun. 21st, 2006|11:16 pm

The Top Reasons Jack Daniels Should Be a Benefit

- Everybody on the job site is drinking it anyway.
- Handy fluid for cleaning keyboards and screens.
- Well, they've been acting like a bunch of drunken monkeys for years -- might as well get it right!
- Because the free opium thing is just not working out.
- It's cheaper than Starbucks.
- Team-building continues until 2 a.m.

The Top Reasons Not to Propose Naked

- Why did you get down on one knee when you *know* the cat likes to play with dangly things?
- Two words: cold breeze.
- Your ass cheeks blush when you're nervous.
- It's really not such a bad idea. Unless it's at dinner. At a fancy restaurant. With her parents.
- The funny look you get when you tell her if it doesn't fit, she can resize it.
- There really is only one place to hide the engagement ring and t's not pretty.
- Asking her father for permission first leaves you feeling more awkward and vulnerable than you had imagined it would.
- If she says no, everyone gets to see you walk away with your tail between your legs!
- You're going to have to buy a big diamond so she'll be impressed with the size of at least one thing.

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