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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Nov. 28th, 2009|10:43 am

The Top Ways Naps Are Better Than Sex (Part II)

- You can nap at work and your wife doesn't mind.
- Nobody to impress, so you can wear your *comfortable* underwear.
- Waking up and wondering what time of day it is? WAY better than waking up and frantically trying to remember somebody's first name.
- A good nap never made a woman pregnant.
- You’re the only one who cares if you finish early.
- If you drool, snore, or call out the wrong name, no one loses their erection.
- The religious right hasn't tried to ban naps. Yet.

The Top Differences Between the Air Force and Turkeys

- Turkeys have enough sense not to wear ascots.
- Generals are never satisfied with just an Air Force Wing.
- A raw turkey is safer than a raw fighter jock.
- A turkey in the field might actually get dirty.
- No one ever says, "All I want is some Air Force breast."
- Fast-flying turkeys don't lord it over slow-flying turkeys.
- Turkeys are generally dressed better, being rarely mistaken for bus drivers.
- In the Air Force, you have to fuel "the bird." At Thanksgiving, the bird fuels you.
- OK, I give up. What's the difference?

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