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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Oct. 27th, 2009|08:02 am

Helovīna pik-ap-laiņi :))

Zombie: Hey there, have heard that rigor mortisis the new Viagra?
Frankenstein's Monster: (Pulls out a bolt) Trade you a bolt for a good screw?
Werewolf: What up, would it offend you if I humped your leg?
Hobo: Hey there, ever done it in a cardboard box?
Skeleton: Did youknow there are 206 bones in the human body? Would you mind one more?
Banana: Am I ap-peeling to you?
Firefighter: How about you STOP talking, DROP your pants, and lets ROLL!
Hotdog: That's a nice set of buns you gotthere, mind if I stick my foot-long there?
Policeman: Good thing I'm here, it has to be illegal to look that good.
Pirate: That is quite a booty you've got there.
UPS Guy: Excuse me, Miss, could you sign for this package?
Angel: Hello, I am the answer to you're prayers.
Greek: Wanna see my Trojan Horse?
Vampire: If you play your cards right, you mightbe the one who sucks tonight.
Prisoner: At this point, I'll take anything.
Of course, what list wouldn't be complete without a fewlines for those especially cute costumes you might come across.
Zombie: Oh my, you look dead, sexy.
Devil: Let's head back to your place, since I'm going there anyway.
Witch: I like your wart, want to see a few of mine?
Nurse: Nurse, can I have a little sugar to help the medicine go down.
Cat: That's a nice pussy; the costume is pretty good too.
Anyone: That mask is becoming on you. If it were me, I'd be coming too.
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