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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Oct. 11th, 2009|11:18 am

Loose lips may sink ships, but they can definitely make a submarine rise.
The Covert Comic

The Top Complaints of Mile-High Club Members

- Captain always turning on the No Smoking sign just as you're enjoying a post-coital ciggie at your seat.
- Due to Viagra, the erection lasts longer than the flight.
- In case of an emergency water landing, only one of you is property equipped with flotation devices.
- Partial to cuddling afterwards? Good luck with that, Romeo.
- Sudden turbulence can leave you unsure or whether you missed the "mile-high" cut by a few hundred feet.
- You're stuck on the tarmac at Denver International.
- "In the event of a water landing" safety instructions never include your particular scenario.
- Discrimination against bestiality aficionados -- that cargo hold is damn cold!
- At your age, you sometimes need Viagra to get yourself in an upright and locked position.
- Airport security always seems to take perverse pleasure in confiscating your passion-kiwi personal lubricant.
- Bastards in first-class always bogart the *ribbed* condoms.
- With smoking prohibited, the best post-coitus comedown you can enjoy is splitting a can of Clamato.
- When she compliments you on your size, you don't have the heart to tell her she's sitting on the soap dispenser.

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