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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Apr. 3rd, 2009|01:37 pm

I never understood why they call it "getting lucky" when it has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with a crisp new $100 bill.
Kim Moser

I called in my vote on Catherine the Great, but they kept Nicholas II instead. That's the last time I watch "Dancing With the Tsars."
Paul B.

Now that my marriage has gone sour, I feel the need to look elsewhere for that dizzying, head-over-heels feeling. I'm trying to decide between a circus sideshow and an insane asylum.
Ron Arol

Whoever said that money can't buy friends obviously never brought donuts to the office.
Wendy Weiner Runge

The Top New Movies on YouTube

- Kurt's Pathetic Life in Mom's Basement, Episode 27
- My Videoblog Recap of Something You Can Watch Yourself on Hulu
- Obama Girl & Biden Crone
- 3 FAT cHix BrinG SWing SeT DOWN!!
- Unexplainable Japanese Video: The Sequel
- Off-His-Meds Psychotic Rambling Theatre: Why The Illuminati and Garbage Men Rule The World
- Look at My Tits, aka "Daddy Issues"
- Christopher the Lion Decides He Doesn't Really Like His First Owners After All (Memorial links here)
- Internet Usage and the Utter Collapse of Workplace Productivity in the Early 21st Century

The Top Military Cures for Seasickness

- Shore duty.
- All chevrons scaled down to flat lines.
- Realize the alternative could be altitude sickness in the mountains of Afghanistan.
- Just follow the general rule of Tums.
- A transfer to the Air Force.
- About two seconds under fire.

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