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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Mar. 25th, 2009|07:47 am

If your wife ever asks, "Is that a twinkle I see in your eye tonight, dear?", it's not a good thing to answer, "No, it's probably just a piece of glitter from the dress that hooker was wearing."
Rolf Lundgren

It's difficult to accurately predict how successful a business will become. For example, Rubbermaid began as a small company making kitchen accessories, and now they are an international company offering hundreds of diverse products. By contrast, over the years Rubbergirlfriend has remained tiny.
Doug Frank

I want my husband to videotape us while we're having sex. Not because I'm kinky or anything, but usually I'm asleep at the time and I'd sure like to enjoy our lovemaking, too.
Stephanie Shiner-Thompson

The Top 5 Favorite Country-Western Songs of Geeks

- My Megahertz Since You Been Gone
- Your Love Is a Virus My Norton's Done Missed
- My Online Girl Is an Offline Man
- How Can I Close My Browser If You Keep Poppin' Up?
- All My X's Are Equal to the Square Root of Z Squared Minus Y Squared
- Goodbye URL
- Stand By Your Socially Awkward, Emotionally Stunted "Star Wars" Memorabilia Collector
- Here's an AOL CD, IM Someone Who Cares
- He's Up to His Old Graphics Tricks, But I Won't Be Rendered a Fool
- She Turned My :) Into a :( When She LOL'ed at My 8===>

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