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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Dec. 4th, 2008|08:18 pm

I'm told fatherhood is the ultimate test of a man. Of course, none of this would be necessary if that condom manufacturer had just come up with a slightly tougher test of its own.
Brad Osberg

I used to believe in true love. I used to believe in Santa, too, but the last jerk I went out with told me that Santa was really my mom and dad.
Jenn McNanna

I used to think that women looked at my naked body with awe. It wasn't until lately that I found out they were actually saying, "Awww..."
Bob Van Voris

The Top Army Insults

- You're so dumb you thought "howitzer" was a Jewish holiday!
- So, you didn't want to go to jail either?
- Just because you travel on your stomach doesn't mean you're supposed to eat the dirt.
- Your "olive drab" is just fab.
- I've seen better haircuts in "Braveheart."
- Your mother wears Air Force boots.
- Light infantry walks because they can't fly, can't swim, and the thought of them driving a vehicle is too damn scary to contemplate.
- Did you ever notice there are Army ants and Army worms? Basically, anything "Army" has no spine.
- I guess that's all you can be.

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