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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Nov. 17th, 2008|10:58 am

With all the toilet water that gets splashed on it, you'd think my butt would smell better.
Gary Timm

The Top World's Shortest Films

- "Anger Management 2" starring Russell Crowe
- Courtney Love and Amy Winehouse in "Clean and Sober 2"
- Sense and Sensibility: The Tom Cruise Story
- Dignity of an Agent
- Paris Hilton: My Virgin Years
- Jar Jar vs. Predator
- It Ain't Over Until Samuel L. Jackson Swears

The Top Signs You're Married to the Antichrist

- Other husbands just leave the room during "Touched by an Angel" reruns. Yours erupts in flames.
- Seems like an awful lot of ranting about "damn nation" from somebody who isn't Jeremiah Wright.
- He keeps re-shelving "Dante's Inferno" in with the travel books.
- She buys matching towels that say "Mark of the Beast" and "His."
- Suggestions of a threesome invariably include a jackal.
- His hair is receding, and the horns are a bitch to work a comb over around.
- Re-engineered the CD player to spin discs backwards.
- The cloven hoofs are really messing up the new terracotta tile.
- Her idea of "talking dirty" is to sing gospel hymns.

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