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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Aug. 15th, 2008|02:37 pm

I'm 60, and when my 9-year-old niece asked me why I smoked cigarettes, I told her it makes me look totally awesome in the eyes of the other kids in my age group.

I have this great trick where I can take a glass of ice water and, through sheer concentration, bring it to a boil. Well, actually, I've never gotten it to boil, but I did get it up to room temperature once.
Pat Sajak

The Top Things Overheard in Mathlete Locker Rooms

- "You're everyone's problem. That's because every time you calculate a square, you're unsafe. I don't like you because you're dangerous."
- "Did you ever notice if you put dots in each loop of the infinity symbol it looks like breasts?"
- "I'm so keyed up, I could sh*t an icosahedron."
- "Doing 100 pushups is *WAY* easier when you count in binary!"
- "Guys, did you see who's in the stands? It's my dear Aunt Sally!"
- "Do your stretching exercises before we start. I don't want to see another mathlete blow out a frontal lobe on a 90 degree tangent calculation."
- "Coach says anyone who doesn't complete round 3 gets busted back down to Chess Club."
- "Sorry I didn't steal on that last play, Coach. I got my sines messed up."
- "Did you see the size of the other team's heads? They're HUGE!"
- "You looked like a bunch of little Algebra 1 kids out there!"
- "Our minds are more beautiful than their minds!"
- "There's no 'I' in Pythagorean theorem."

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