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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Apr. 24th, 2008|10:07 am

We've all seen the legal supers on medicines and medicine commercials: may cause drowsiness, may cause jitters, etc. What are some legal supers we just do not want to see on our meds?

The Top Legal Supers We Don't Want to See

- May cause Paris Hilton to seem relevant and/or entertaining.
- May cause your dog to take a sudden interest in your leg. And not in a good way.
- There may be a slight chance that this drug will do what it's advertised for. If it does, please consult a physician.
- Causes excessive, machine-gun like flatulence.
- May cause severe shortening of the penis.
- May result in an unhealthy fascination with Richard Simmons.
- Things may turn purple.
- Amy cseua exdsila.

The Top Perks of Working on the Top Floor

- Longer break from work during fire drills.
- Earn extra income renting your window to depressed employees, and save company severance costs at the same time.
- Get to leave boring meetings early under the auspices of altitude sickness.
- Finally, the only person who makes you feel stupid and worthless is your teenage daughter.
- Good velocity on the pennies you drop trying to get the boss on his way out.
- 62.7 minutes of your workweek is spent in lifts, while the average worker spends only 29.3 minutes per week in lifts. You get paid for doing nothing an extra 21.9 minutes per week! And you get time to work on your rapidly improving mind calculations.

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