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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Apr. 8th, 2008|01:48 pm

Maybe I should be a compliant little consumer-drone and pretend I don't notice that Poland Springs' new "Eco-Shape" bottle looks a whole hell of a lot like Coca-Cola's old Coke-bottle-shaped bottle.
Chuck Bonner

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, be thankful you got the defective guillotine.
Peg Warner

Women are hard to figure out. They love lingerie and they love garage sales, but they don't seem to like getting garage-sale lingerie as a gift.
Brad Osberg

The Top Things Overheard at a Tech Conference

- "I like the neck badges a lot better. Last year's clip-ons were kinda hard on the nipples."
- "This ought to be a good interview. Look at all the people logged into Twitter."
- "OK, I'll trade you a WebVan and a for an eToys and two Excite@home."
- "You're much shorter than your avatar. Then again, aren't we all?"
- "You mean you *too* have a list of diabolically foolproof ways for murdering and disposing of that insipid, pencil-necked 'I'm a Mac' guy?"
- "Did you see that techbabe with the 'Dual Floppies' T-shirt?"
- "Mom says I've got to skip tonight's keynote address 'cause it's past my bedtime."
- "My GPS PDA can't find my room, and I have to pee."
- "If I sat next to a gorgeous woman in the general session, can I count that as a date?"
- "As you can see, holographic diffraction with an LCOS pico-mirror array yields an avatar with very realistic knockers."
- "I don't care if lolcats is technically Geek Speak. It's freakin' creepy!"
- "No, it's okay, we have a wiki-marriage. Anyone can participate."

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