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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Apr. 8th, 2008|10:59 am

The Top Ways to Exploit the Rich Hydrocarbon Reserves on Saturn's Satellite, Titan

- See Hollywood's upcoming hybrid hit, 2001: There Will Be Blood
- Building a pipeline that long will be the easy part, compared to the challenge of keeping it from running into the sun every year.
- I would feel safe with space oil tankers if there weren't a long history of alcohol abuse by tanker captains and astronauts.
- Put Dick Cheney in charge of NASA.
- Exploit? We'll be greeted as liberators!
- Set the entire moon on fire and then capture the IR radiation and turn it into electricity back here on Earth.

Experts say defibrillator implants can be hacked.

The Top Signs Your Defibrillator Has Been Hacked

- Most popular new website?
- When you surf the Web for porn your garage door goes up faster than you do.
- Your wife remarks that your refresh rate isn't as good as it used to be.
- You suddenly can't connect to XBox Live.
- Every time you see that nerdy geek your heart begins to pound.
- > The only way to reboot your pacemaker is to put one finger in your ear, one finger in your nose, and your thumb up your a**.

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