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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Mar. 29th, 2008|10:49 am

I was so moved by Barack Obama's speech that I cried upon hearing it. I cry during President Bush's speeches, too, but that's because I'm an English teacher.
Miles Walker

I was worried that the mechanic might try to rip me off, so you can imagine my relief when he told me all I needed was turn signal fluid.
Sunnyland Slim

I don't mind that my employer has a policy of random urine-testing, but I don't think it's fair when my urine is required to complete a maze or name the state capitals.
David Kass

The Top Signs Your Website Is Not Very 2.0

- "This site best viewed with Mosaic Browser."
- Your source code contains the statement: ""
- Your "social networking" site is nothing but a single page with a long list of phone numbers.
- Your hamsters are doing the minuet.
- Instead of streaming video, your site sends someone to the user's location with a slide projector.
- The "Order now!" link next to merchandise brings up a simple text page displaying a phone number.
- Your site just sits there yelling at the Web 2.0 sites to GET THE HELL OFF ITS INTERNET!
- Instead of uploading an avatar, the user is asked to approximate his or her look in "ASCII art" using a 30x30 matrix of Courier New characters.
- Language options are limited to Latin and Sanskrit.

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