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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Dec. 13th, 2007|10:08 am

The Top Healthy Holiday Movies

- Rudolph the Red-Faced Jogger
- The Workout Before Christmas
- The Buns-Cracker
- Santa Claus is Coming to Gold's Gym
- Rudolf the Low-Fat, High Omega 6 Fatty Acid, Made of Tasty Venison Reindeer
- Miracle Abs Workout on 34th St.

The Top Holiday War Movies

- The Grinch on the River Kwai
- It's a Wonderful Life and Death Struggle for Hill 875
- The Longest Eve
- The Candy Cane Mutiny
- A Few Good Menorahs
- The Air Raid Sirens of St. Mary's
- Schindler's Naughty or Nice List
- The Reindeer Hunter
- The Big Red One with the Little Round Belly that Shook When He Laughed Like a Bowlful of Jelly

The Top Gifts on a Pathologist’s Wish List

- Infect Me Elmo.
- To have a really infectious, debilitating, high-casualty disease named after me!
- Anything from Mr. Bacterium's Wonder Emporium.
- An iPhungus.
- The new CSI game for my XBOX 360, so I can actually solve something.
- The usual -- peace on Earth, goodwill towards men, increased grants, that sort of stuff.
- Switch with a proctologist, just for one day.

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