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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Nov. 3rd, 2007|11:07 am

The Top 8 Backhanded Sex Compliments

- "Wow, you're really good at that. It's as if you've been doing it professionally since you were a young child."
- "Cool, I can hear an echo! [echo! ... echo! ... echo! ...]"
- "No, honey, I didn't this time, either. But it's great that *you* can so easily. [*sigh*]"
- "This is great! Usually I need lots of lube to do it that way, and it still hurts -- but not with you!"
- "I appreciate knowing you're comfortable enough in my presence to accidentally call out your mother's name."
- "It must be nice to be able to sunbathe nude in public and not get stared at."
- "I feel so honored that I'm the one who's teaching you how to find the clitoris."
- "It's fascinating how you can move your breasts out of the way to the side like that."
- "I love doing that to you because I don't have to open my mouth as wide as with other guys."
- "It must be a relief not having to worry about hanging left or hanging right like other guys do."
- "Great. You were in and out so fast, we got done during the commercial break and I didn't miss any 'Oprah.'"
- "The mystery of not being able to feel you when you're inside of me only heightens the anticipation."
- "Your um... 'natural sexual perfume' takes me back to the barnyard pleasures of my youth."
- "How cute! Your little guy is so shy, he hides! He reminds me of the pet turtle I had as a kid!"
- "Your control is amazing -- neither of your teeth snagged me during that blowjob!"

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