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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Oct. 25th, 2007|10:38 am

The Top Differences Between Real-Life and Online Phys Ed Classes

- In school: Stinking gym shorts. Online: Pretty much the same.
- The downside? Mom has decided that vacuuming is exercise.
- In school: The bullies give the wedgies. Online: The geeks do it.
- School: there's 50% chance of getting whipped by a towel in the locker room. Online: you have to give a credit card number to get that kind of action.
- In school: Communal showers. Online: Blessed, blessed privacy... MOM! WHAT'RE YOU DOING IN HERE?!?
- In school: You suck at dodgeball. Online: You are a 12 Dodgeball Assassin and leave your opponents' heads in bleeding piles on the gym floor.
- In school: As they class takes a right-hand turn to run out to the softball field, you take a left to smoke under the bleachers. Online: You type with your right hand and you hold your smoke with your left. (clean version)
- In school: Coach's cruel taunts and questions about your sexuality. Online: Mom and Dad's cruel taunts and questions about your sexuality.
- In school: Locker room talk about whether the girls' gym teacher is, well, you know. Online: leaves no doubt.

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