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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Jan. 17th, 2006|05:50 pm

According to an Internet posting, an insurgent group named the Victorious Army Group has extended to January 15th a deadline for a contest for a Web design "worthy of the group's reputation and the reputation of the jihad and the mujahideen," according to a translation provided by the SITE Institute, which monitors jihadist messages.

The Top Signs Your Insurgency's Web Site Needs a Redesign

Someone hacked your Greenpeace site, yet again, replacing images with "Shave the Whales" logos.

After viewing your "Fourth Reich" site, people e-mail you requesting concert schedules for your band.

Your Web site still lists IBM as an enemy of the people, and looks to Microsoft for salvation.

You keep hiding pictures in your secret message code instead of the other way around.

Your call to moral piety among the believers is somewhat undermined by the banner ad for

The dancing hamsters tend to distract people from the beheading videos.

You're still railing against the outrage of paying a colonial tea tax.
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