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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

May. 12th, 2007|04:42 pm

The Top Sure-to-Fail Pickup Lines Used by Women

- "Come back with me to my place. Just promise you'll be quiet so we don't wake Mom."
- "Hmmmm, you wouldn't happen to have a taller, handsomer, richer brother, would you?"
- "You're sort of handsome, in a Frankenstein sort of way."
- "Let's go to your place. My homicidal ex-convict husband has been on a rampage of late."
- "So, wanna hear about my cats?"
- "Come back to my apartment and I'll show you my Guinness Book plaque for biggest gang bang."
- "The bad news is my six kids are very active. The good news is my herpes isn't."
- "I'd love for you to come home with me, but keep in mind there will be no kissing or groping, and I am most certainly not putting any little appendages in my mouth."
- "Hey, wanna buy your future wife a Zima?"
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