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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Dec. 29th, 2005|12:53 pm

The Top Fitness Carols

Do You Hurt Where I Hurt?

Bring a Low-fat Side Dish, Jeanette, Isabella

I'll have a blue, blue Prozac without you...

I Saw Mommy Benching Santa Claus

Ten Reps Ye Merry Gentlemen

Do You Fear What I Fear? (The Christmas carol for phobics)

Oh, I've eaten so much food it's frightful
But the pie was so delightful
Now my pants won't fit my thighs
Exercise! Exercise! Exercise!

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Fitness

Nylon Tights, Holey Tights

(I'm Dreaming of a) Lite Christmas

We Wish You a Healthy Christmas (And a Happy New Diet)

Santa's Got a Brand New Gym Bag

Have Yourself a Merry Little Firm Ass

I'm dreaming of a tight, firm ass
Just like the ones I used to know
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