Khe-he - October 23rd, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 23rd, 2007

[Oct. 23rd, 2007|07:39 am]
Одна подруга говорит другой:
- Аня, на улице такой дождь! У меня ноги до ушей промокли.
- Ой, Кать, не льсти себе.

- Когда наши соседи узнали, что мы купили новую мебель, они чуть с ума не сошли от зависти...
- И в чем же это выразилось?
- Они подарили нашему сыну книжку "Юный столяр" и набор инструментов.

Что действительно значат реплики продавцов машин
1. Машина - огонь! (И очень сильный, судя по дыму из выхлопной трубы.)
2. Заводится с пол-оборота! (Вон той железной ручкой, которая торчит под радиатором.)
3. Движок - зверь: 2 литра! (В минуту.)... tālāk ... )
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[Oct. 23rd, 2007|07:58 am]
Oh, they *claim* they locked me away for my own good, but I think it was for the good of those two last family members who still have their heads.
Jerry L. Embry

Two heads are better than one. Unless, of course, you find them in a paper bag on the passenger seat of your car.
Steve Biddle

If I were a pirate and lost my hand, instead of a hook, I would get a big spoon. Sure, it may look funny, and the other pirates might tease me, but there's always a chance we could plunder a ship full of pudding, and who'd be laughing then?
Brad Wilkerson

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[Oct. 23rd, 2007|09:17 am]
Atriebība ir salda :)) wulffmorgenthaler )
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[Oct. 23rd, 2007|10:44 am]
Matter-antimatter hydrogen atoms (positronium) have been combined into molecules...
The Top Uses for Molecular Positronium

- Impress all the geeks at the next Star Trek convention.
- What a time saver! A form of hydrogen that you don't need to ignite to cause an explosion.
- Bond it to oxygen, add some electrolytes and put it in a plastic bottle. You've now created the most explosive new sports drink on the market.
- Forget sugar cubes. A cube of this stuff in your coffee will keep you up for a week!
- Who cares, that's marketing's job.

The Top Internet Diseases

- Chronic :(
- Spamorrhoids
- Ebayla virus
- The common code
- Big Blue Balls
- YouTuberculosis
- iThritis: joint pain caused by using Apple products

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[Oct. 23rd, 2007|01:18 pm]
Pirmā pieredze :) ... tālāk ... )
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[Oct. 23rd, 2007|01:46 pm]
Sen nav bijis Hate is... :)) ... tālāk ... )
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[Oct. 23rd, 2007|02:51 pm]
Pārprata laikam ;)) ... tālāk ... )
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[Oct. 23rd, 2007|04:48 pm]
Kādam laikam ir sāpīgas atmiņas no armijas bijušas :)) ... tālāk ... )
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