Khe-he - May 10th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 10th, 2006

Seksuālpolitisks aicinājums ;) [May. 10th, 2006|09:55 am]
... tālāk ... )
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[May. 10th, 2006|08:47 pm]
Ir bijis otrādi.. Bet tagad - The Top Reasons Cube Farms Are Better Than Prisons

8. Gaps between bars large enough to stick your head out and smell the freedom.

7. The toilet and your desk are usually in separate rooms.

6. You get more vacation time for "good behavior."

5. About 45 percent less anal sex.

4. At least when you're stabbed in the back, it isn't with a shank.

3. When was the last time your co-workers rioted?

2. Still get to vote. If you can get off work that day.

1. You share your cubicle with only *alleged* criminals.
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