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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Dec. 11th, 2006|08:04 am

The Top 6 Differences If Your Boss Were a Robot
6. Coffee pot in break room replaced with oil drum.

5. At least he'd have a good reason for being a soulless automaton who drives his employees into the ground.

4. "Danger, Robinson, you forgot to file your T-6 slips again!"

3. Whenever the power goes out, so does he: instant time off!

2. If you kiss butt in the winter, make sure not to touch your tongue or risk freezing.

1. Instead of spending work time on my fantasy football teams, I'd be trying to hack the destruct sequence.

Great conquerors and military leaders of days gone by had names that inspired their men and terrified their enemies: William the Conqueror, Vlad the Impaler, Alexander the Great and Richard the Lion-Hearted, just to name a few. Who are some of the forgotten marauders whose names were, umm, not so inspiring?

The Top Not-So Fearsome Military Monikers
- Elvis the Dead

- George the Nuculator

- Reginald the Little Below Average

- Safe and Sound Milly

- Whatshisname the Forgettable

- Eric the Idle

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