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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Dec. 1st, 2005|06:10 pm

The Top Signs Your Online Cooking Course Wasn't a Good Idea

Offline: Your stove catches on fire.
Online: Not only are your stove and your laptop in flames, but there's smoke coming out of the electric sockets in your house.

Your computer? The Blue Screen of Death.
Your family? The Green Face of Food Poisoning.

Submitting the finished dishes as .doc attachments has been a real bitch.

You're no expert, but you're pretty sure that "vi @gra" and "cheep medz" are not ingredients in pasta bolognese.

Drink just a bit too much while cooking and your flambe takes down the entire Internet.

Half the blogosphere has just denounced your attempt at Beef Wellington as a neo-imperialist conspiracy. The other half is blaming it on the mainstream media.

"All your bouillabase are belong to us!"

Unfortunately, there is no refresh button on a meatloaf.

The chef used to work for the Nigerian treasurer.

EMjdjh See Julia Child Naked fskog.

You still don't understand how "cookies" can be a bad thing.
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