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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Sep. 1st, 2006|10:17 pm

Top Ten Kyra Phillips Excuses Presented by CNN Anchor Kyra Phillips:

10. "Still haven't mastered complicated On/Off switch."
9. "Larry King told me he does this all the time."
8. "How was I supposed to know we had a reporter embedded in the bathroom?"
7. "I honestly never knew this sort of thing was frowned upon."
6. "Couldn't resist chance to win $10,000 on 'America's Funniest Home Videos.'"
5. "I was set up by those bastards at Fox News."
4. "Oh, like YOU'VE never gone to the bathroom and had it broadcast on national television!"
3. "I just wanted that hunky Lou Dobbs to notice me."
2. "OK, so I was drunk and couldn't think straight."
1. "You have to admit, it made the speech a lot more interesting."

P.S. Kyra Phillips - CNN reportiere, kura atstāja ieslēgtu savu mikrofonu, kad devās uz tualeti prezidenta Buša runas laikā Ņūorleānā. Sarakstu izskanējis David Letterman šovā CBS televīzijā.
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