Sep. 2nd, 2010|10:08 am |
I used to visit newsgroups on the Internet a lot, but I recently thought, "Why bother? If I want to be ignored when I speak, I can go hang out with my friends."
The Top Consequences of Cuts to Her Majesty's Armed Forces
- Only the non-bastard Royal family members will keep their honorary military titles. - "Gents, we must scrap our oldest war plan: Retaking Boston." - Field Marshals will become Small Garden Plot Marshals. - Destroyers HMS Daring and Dauntless to be rechristened HMS Unassuming and Spineless. - Commander Bond (on loan from the Royal Navy) may need to settle for domestic caviar. - HQ Land Forces of the British Army downsized into Knights of the Round Table. - Vegetarian-only guards at Tower of London should save on beef eating costs. - Scottish regiments might be kilt off entirely. - All RAF aircraft must be capable of running on whatever gritty, seawater-laced petroleum products the BP recovery teams provide.
The Top Wedding Faux Pas
- Bridal party dresses that would require addition of material to qualify as lingerie. - The mother of the bride wearing white. White thigh-high boots. - Instead of the garter you use the best man's necktie. While he's still wearing it. - The groom still has stripper glitter on his face from last night's bachelor party. - The bride is wearing white. As are all five of her kids. And two of her grandkids. - Reducing expenses by selling ad space to divorce lawyers on the back of the bridal gown.
The Top Things Animals Learn From Watching Us
- Dog poop is such a valuable commodity it should be collected and put away. - Humans lack the flexibility to properly groom themselves, but take great pleasure in licking their friends clean. - The best way to attract a mate is to shave off all your fur. - It's more fun to sit and stare at a box than it is to do the fun things the people in the box are doing. - All that "Alpha Male" talk is bogus. It's obvious that the bitch runs the family.
The Top Benefits of Working Weekends
- Can manage fantasy football AND get paid for it. - You can fart all you want in an empty office. - Parking is free on weekends. - During the week you pretty much have your choice of tee times, and almost the whole course to yourself. - Grocery stores and strip clubs are much less crowded on Tuesdays. - Get two days off during the week to watch Oprah. - "Sorry Father Flanagan, I have to work this Sunday." - Never have to go to work on Friday the 13th.
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