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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Jul. 21st, 2010|08:16 am

After my accident, the doctors told me I shouldn't be alive. It wasn't a medical opinion, though -- they were expressing a deeply held personal belief.

Men are not as shallow as we're sometimes made out to be. If you give a man a choice between saving the universe and getting laid, he will inevitably choose saving the universe, after only a second or two of indecision.

You'd think that after all he's done for his country, Captain America would have been promoted to a higher rank by now.

Most people consider having oily skin a bad thing, but if I ever fall into a giant vat of bread dough, I know I'll have no problems escaping.

I took out a second mortgage last month so I could go on a trip to Italy, buy a new car and pay off my bills. Man, is my landlord is pissed.

The Top Side Effects of Internet Via Power Lines

- Out: "DSL or cable?" In: "AC or DC?"
- Even your local church's website is shocking.
- Death row inmates demand the electric chair so they can experience one last porn website in virtual reality.
- With all the naughty stuff being downloaded, transmission towers stand a bit taller.
- Your home's power meter measures in kbps.
- Every website's content is always current.

The Top Movies About the BP Disaster

- Finding Nemo, Washed-Up on a Beach
- The Perfect Shitstorm
- Coastbusters
- The Pelican Grief
- Oceans a-Lubin'
- Incompetent Basterds
- Gush, Gush, Sweet Charlatans
- O Seafood Dinner, Where Art Thou?
- Silence of the Clams
- *Screw* Willy!

The Top Haikus of the Elements

Chlorine in the pool
Peculiar taste in my mouth
But better than piss

Life as we know it
Is based mostly on carbon
Even when dead, Jim

Who can pronounce it,
Molybdenum is like it,
Platypus of names

Uranium, name
Like Uranus, yet anal
Jokes not write themselves

First you preserve them,
Next stuff them in a coffin,
Then you Barium

Yesterweek, I'm not
Half of what I used to be.
Being Radon sucks

Hydrogen so light,
Filling zepp'lins so massive.
Bright flameballs to see

Why is K all wet?
Phosphorous took its P first.
Poor Potassium

Lead plays basketball
Better than Jordan. On fish
Line, always sinks hook

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