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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Jul. 17th, 2010|01:14 pm

Of course there's a reason to beat a dead horse. It shows all the other horses that you mean business.

If I had a nickel for every obsessive-compulsive thought I've had today, I'd have eleven shiny face-up nickels arranged by year of minting, and then by the alphabetic order of the location of the mint, but no dimes because they're smaller than nickels.

The Production Assistant, or PA, is essentially a "go-fer", responding to whatever demands for miscellaneous props, labor, etc. the filmmakers have.

The Top Signs the PA May Be a Spy

- Even though a huge boom mike is hanging over you, wants you to speak into the sprinkles on the donut.
- All the on-set trailers have been replaced with featureless vans.
- Unplanned explosion sequences keep interrupting the wedding scene.
- Shreds the budget and keeps blacking out sections of the script that are "classified". (No wait, that's signs he works for the studio.)
- Knows 27 ways to kill you with a coffee stirrer.
- You have to go to the third stall and look behind the toilet to find the script revisions.
- It's a single-location film with unknown actors but the budget is $200 million and the king of the country just died of "the flu."
- When the director of the haunted-house movie asks for more spooks, twenty nondescript guys in black suits and sunglasses show up.
- Critic who wrote negative review of advance screening killed in a mysterious one-car accident.

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