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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

The Top Plotlines for "Die Hard 4" Aug. 4th, 2006|04:57 pm

- Actually, the dying is pretty soft until the Viagra kicks in.

- Bruce Willis blows away the bad guys with his shotgun-toting sidekick, Dick Cheney.

- Florida voters confuse John McClane with John McCain and elect Bruce Willis president.

- Bruce teams with Danny Glover, Harrison Ford and Sylvester Stallone to free their Social Security checks from a vengeful government agency.

- Aging cop John McClane's plans for a quiet evening at home are thwarted when he falls, breaks a hip, can't reach the remote and misses his favorite episode of "Punk'd."

- Policeman John McClane is just trying to have a quiet vacation in Lebanon when he finds out Gunter Gruber, Hans's long-lost son, is the new head of Hezbollah.

- Law enforcement officer John McClane is just trying to enjoy a quiet vacation in Iran....

- This time, he dies realy, really, really, really hard.
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