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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Apr. 17th, 2010|10:39 am

For the sake of realism, they really should make a few scenes where Superman arrives at the bad guys' lair covered in bird guts.

Saying something over and over again doesn't make it true -- unless, of course, you're saying, "I'm obnoxious and repetitive."

The Top Signs You've Scaled Back Too Much on This Year's Summer Vacation

- Your trip to the Grand Tetons has been replaced by renting a Pam Anderson movie.
- "Well, it's not St. Louis, but look, Jimmy! TWO arches! And they're GOLDEN!"
- You weren't even aware there *was* a Motel 3.
- You saved a bundle, but you're still troubled by that name: Cabo San Lubbock.
- Last year: floating in the pool at Sandals. This year: running through the sprinkler in Crocs.

The Top Differences If DVD Pirates Were Actual Pirates

- Reviews on every box: "Two hooks up!"
- Top five pirated films: "Pirates", "The Pirates of Penzance," The Pirate Movie," "Captain Blood," and "Yellowbeard."
- All movies would be rated RRRRRRRRR!!!
- When you purchase a pirated DVD, you have to go dig for it on some island.
- Copyright lawyers forced to walk the plank.
- Dan Glickman from the MPAA brushes up on his fencing skills.
- Downloaders constantly ratted out by talking parrots.
- Half the screen image is covered up by what appears to be a large patch of some kind.

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