vakar pa LNT atkal raadiija filmu "Y tu mamá también" a.k.a. "Un tavu māti arī"
skatiijos laikam jau 3. vai 4. reizi. damn kas par filmu. pilniigi cits skatiijums, nekaadas Holivudas. viss ir tik reali, tik skataami. manaa veertejuma shi filma ir 5. reizes labaaka par "Euro trip" un kaadas 10. reizes labaaka par "Road trip".
cilveeki ir reaalaaki, nelikaas nekas uzspeeleets, nu noteikti filmai liktu 4 ar 1/2 *, ja ne pat visas 5.
shitas likaas baigi labais:
1. There's no bigger honor than being a Charolastra.
2. Everyone can do a kite with their ass. (Pretty much you can do whatever the hell you want to.)
3. Pop kills poetry.
4. One fix a day is the key to happiness.
5. You won't *beep* another Charolastra's girlfriend. (bf)
6. Fag if your team is the America.
7. Death to moral! Long live masturbation!
8. Marrying a virgin is forbidden.
9. Fag if your team is the America.
10. The neta (the Supreme Truth for them) is cool but unnatainable)
11. The *beep* who breaks any of them above mentioned loses his quality of Charolastra.
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kebabs :: (no subject) [+1]
March 2009