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Ha ha ha Jan. 8th, 2006|01:05 pm

Ha ha ha

Life's a joke
A waiting game now.
A juggling of vices
Tiny tiny vices
And they don't anchor me
To the ground
I know who the hangman is
So life's a joke

Ha ha ha
Ha ha ha

The clocks on the wall
Creeps higher.
Save save
Restraint restraint.
It's a joke
And I know who the hangman is

A ship in a vial
A headstone on the wharf
And it will pin me
To the ground

Ha ha ha
Ha ha ha

All the lights look green
So unbend
Your toughest smile
I think we've got
I think we've got
I think we've got

One more mile

Ja mēs ticam sevis iekšēji nemainīgajam egoismam, vai mēs iemīlam tos, kuri neslēpjas un cenšas būt "patiesi" pret mums un pasauli, vai arī piespiežam savu prātu ticēt un iemīlēt brīnumam, vai arī burvīgai spēlei. Ja būtu jāliek uz reālu piķi, teiktu 40/60.
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