25. Say or think what you are doing in English as you do your daily tasks. - I am too used to do this in Spanish. If there will be no "going to Madrid" for me, then I should shut down Spanish and concentrate on the most important things
2. Write a news diary. - ( I can hope, that If I bloged about some serious stuff - news, films etc, then at least it would be interesting for people to read :D )
4. Listen to MP3s.- Does anybody has a freakish idea where to get audio books?
5. Listen to English music - Thanks to Elton!
7. Sing karaoke in English - O, i can imagine how my family would be thrilled by this possibility. I think that even I don't have so weird friends.
With this part of tip I would use someone advice -
50. Learn a famous speech or poem in English by heart. Although you may never hear or get the chance to say exactly that line, having one memorable example of an English grammatical form in your head can make it much easier to learn other examples of the same grammar as you hear them. It is also something you can practice over and over without being as boring as grammatical drills.
And this ones where just too good not to put them! :) :D
51. Get tipsy (= a little drunk) before speaking English. This can not only improve your fluency while you are drinking, but can also improve your confidence in future days and weeks by showing you that you can communicate what you want to say.
60. Find a foreign boyfriend or girlfriend. No tips on how to do this here, but everyone agrees that getting or even just looking for a date in English can be a great motivator to improve your language skills.