.Our bad characteristics are not an excuse for
our behaviour, no they are a reason for us to take actions towards our
souls. If we see what we are alike it is not an explanation for what we
have done, it is not even an unchangeable fact - It is simply a behaviour
we have allowed to become permanent or simply quite occasional used.
We have allowed ourselves to become Masters. When something is happening in our lives we have to choose our response reaction. Fear, Joy, Anger ?
Something irritates me. I have to choose a response to it. I allow to be angry. We choose the same response reaction one more time, then we allow ourselves to be angry again and again until it is a basic response to this situation until we become The Masters of Anger, maybe Masters of pain or feeling guilt or Masters of noticing only ourselves.
Is it my behaviour or have I only allowed myself to become a Master of exploding in my emotions towards my beloved ones. Have I allowed myself to compare and judge my life and decisions too often and that way I became The Master of low self esteem? And what about my relationships with others? I have allowed my mind to constantly set me up with idea that everyone is valuing me, my moves, the life I choose. With this constant (permanent) idea I have pushed my mind already unconsciously to believe that I have to please everyone I meet. I am a master of asking approval from others. Master of easily letting go standards and dropping into relationships (Okey, this maybe totally isn't an example for me, but I have to admit that I need to work on standards and how to truly beautifully and meaningfully create relationships). But this isn't the main idea. The main idea is for you to ask yourself a simple question:
What are the emotions I have allowed myself to become a Master of .. ? What are the emotions I want to master?
I am (or I will be) the Master of compassion, Master of caring only how Jesus would evaluate my decisions. Master of love ? - To others, to the closest ones, to ones that irritates me (yes, because to the one that irritates you, to the ones you would like to reproach you need to give all your love, because obviously they are missing something.)
Maybe a master of counting on other people's emotions ?
What do you choose?
4 of August 2010 2:04 pm