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Wednesday, May 28th, 2003
K-kur tiimeklii: "comment#203316 I was just another human who feels that I can't achieve anything, well nothing to stop the global meltdown. but then i got reading, and thinking, and now I'm on a rampage to eliminate as many (if not all) plastic products from my life, because plastic is made from oil. it's the little i feel i can do."

current music: The Sounds - Rock N Roll, Living In America

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12:50p - Bill Maher
"I know what you young people are saying. You’re saying “Sure there are world problems, but what can we do about it, - we’re no folk singers. ..." Bill Maher

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2:10p - Kaartiibai jaabuut (savai)
Man parasti izmazgaataas dreebes staav kaudzee, tad kad gribaas uzvilkt k-ko tad paraknnaajos tajaa, atrodu k-ko jaunu ;) izgludinu un gatavs ieshanai aaraa :) Un skapii staav lielaakoties dreebes kuras nekad nav vilktas (nezinu kaapeec taas ir nopirktas).
Nez cik kaartiigi ir paarejie :)

current music: Radiohead - Kid A - Idioteque

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3:05p - Vasara: bladaac!
Pienenes kuras ziedeeja pirms briizza jau steidziigi nnemaas piedaavaat sevi veejam citaa formaa.
Zaale izauga liela: bladaac
Zaali jau pllauj un smarzzo peec izkaltushas zaales, un vasara ir iestaajusies tieshi taa: Bladaac!

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5:25p - :)
Pedeejos briizzos mani tirda tikai viens jautaajums. Kur maya dabuuja kabataa akmeni!

[21:48 UPDATE: Bet NOPIETNI! - kur maya dabuja akmeni kabataa?]

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9:53p - Lietas kuras ne-darbojas
"Ar definiicijaam caurumus neaizbaaziisi."

Sit cik gribi ar nuuju, bet dzens sakknojas sevis paziishanaa, nuujas un sishana ir viens solis taalaak no sevis! Nuuju siteeji atradushies ;)

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