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Saturday, March 17th, 2012

    Time Event
    Mjā, es tomēr gribētu zināt, kas būs pagrabstāvā zem mana dzīvākļa. Remontē jau vairākus mēnešus, vakar, kad gāju garām, durvis bija vaļā un pretī iezās melns interjers. Mrr - krogs, bēru kantoris vai zīlnieces pakalpojumi. Krogu toč negribētos.
    10°C un sausās ietves pavedināja sākt velosezonu, juhāhā, cik labi.
    kas par stratedžiju
    The luxury Thotel in Cagliari just announced a writer in residence project.
    Basically the hotel is looking to host 2 European writers during October 2012, a very warm month here in Sardinia.
    The hotel is willing to pay both flight costs and half board accommodation for a week (plus a number of other interesting benefits) in exchange of a short story settled in the city of Cagliari.
    The 2 short stories written by the partecipant writers will be published in a cozy little book (both in Italian and English) and printed in 5000 copies which will be offered as a complimentary gift to hotel guests during the year 2013.

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