Vakardien no Omja verandā atrastajiem krāmiem tapušais DIY velogroziņš šodien lieliski noderēja kā piknikgrozs. Gaiši sārts snīpis no saules un tumši sarkans Roršaha pleķis uz kleitas no vīna.
I guess I could take a sleeping pill and sleep at will and not have to go through what I go through. I guess I should take Prozac, right, and just smile all night at somebody new, somebody not too bright but sweet and kind who would try to get you off my mind. I could leave this agony behind which is just what I'd do if I wanted to, but I don't want to get over you. I could listen to my therapist, pretend you don't exist and not have to dream of what I dream of; I could listen to all my friends and go out again and pretend it's enough, or I could make a career of being blue--I could dress in black and read Camus, smoke clove cigarettes and drink vermouth like I was 17 that would be a scream but I don't want to get over you.
Labvakar Ciba, long time no see, heh. Lai arī brīvdienas tūliņ būs cauri, šis ir pirmais īsti brīvais vakars mājās ar sevi, lielo kakao krūzi un -16 grādiem un piedzīvotā atbalsīm aiz loga. So this was xmas..