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Sunday, October 29th, 2023

    Time Event
    Šo sestdien noslēdzās Sinodes I sesija (svētdien vēl būs Mise). Nākamā (otrā un beidzamā) sesija būs 2024. gada oktobrī. Droši vien atkal Latvijas mediji klusēs un Stankevičs u.c. stāstīs kaut ko savu. Cik saprotu, tad šoreiz nekādu lēmumu nebija, bija klausīšanās un "sarunas Garā". Bet tomēr ir tapis sintēzes dokuments itāļu valodā https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/it/bollettino/pubblico/2023/10/28/0751/01653.html , kurā varēja atrast un ar Google partulkot sekojošo (par LGBT+):

    g) Some issues, such as those relating to gender identity and sexual orientation, the end of life, difficult marital situations, ethical problems connected to artificial intelligence, are controversial not only in society, but also in the Church, because they ask new questions. Sometimes the anthropological categories that we have developed are not sufficient to capture the complexity of the elements that emerge from experience or scientific knowledge and require refinement and further study. It is important to take the time necessary for this reflection and invest the best energies in it, without giving in to simplifying judgments that hurt people and the Body of the Church. Many indications are already offered by the magisterium and await to be translated into appropriate pastoral initiatives. Even where further clarification is necessary, the behavior of Jesus, assimilated in prayer and conversion of heart, shows us the path to follow.

    h) In different ways, people who feel marginalized or excluded from the Church, due to their marital situation, identity and sexuality, also ask to be listened to and accompanied, and that their dignity is defended. In the Assembly there was a profound sense of love, mercy and compassion for people who are or feel hurt or neglected by the Church, who want a place to return "home" and where they can feel safe, be listened to and respected, without fear of feeling judged. Listening is a prerequisite for walking together in search of God's will. The Assembly reaffirms that Christians cannot lack respect for the dignity of any person.

    Tātad, atklājumu ir tik daudz, ka vēl jāatīsta antropoloģija, lai tos aptvertu un iedzīvinātu. Galīgas skaidrības šobrīd nav. Bet jāaturas no ievainojumiem.

    Bez tam MI tika pieminēts ne tikai šajās rindkopās, bet vēl vienā:

    b) This basic attitude creates a favorable context for examining issues that are controversial even within the Church, such as the anthropological effects of digital technologies and artificial intelligence, non-violence and self-defense, problems relating to ministry, themes connected with corporeality and sexuality and others.

    Interesanti, vai "MI antrpoloģiskie efekti" varētu nozīmēt plašākas sociāli ekonomiskas pārmaiņas, piem., darba ētikā, sociāli-ekonomiskās attiecībās, utml?
    - Mammu, vai tev patika tēvocis Žakī?
    - Jā.

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