Ļoti rezonē
https://francescoeconomy.org/ - Franciska ekonomika - jauno ekonomistu kustība.
Pāvesta vēstījums šogad ietvēra arī šo:
"The economy that kills, that excludes, that pollutes, that produces war, is not an economy : others call it economy, but it is only a void, an absence. It is a disease, a perversion of the economy itself and of its vocation. The weapons produced and sold for wars, the profits made at the expense of the most vulnerable and defenceless people, such as those who leave their homeland in search of a better future, the exploitation of resources and peoples, which steals land and health: all this is not an economy, it is not a good aspect of reality to be maintained. It is only bullying, violence. It is just a predatory structure from which humanity must be freed."
https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/pont-messages/2023/documents/20231006-messaggio-economy-of-francesco.htmlProtams, ka Latvijas katoļu saimei par ikgadējo EoF tikšanos un pāvesta vēstījumu neviens neko neteica, nedz ziņu portālā, nedz priesteri savos soc. tīklos.
Vatikānā apvienotā akadēmiku saime strādā
https://www.academyforlife.va/content/pav/en.html un
https://www.pass.va/en.html, atliek cerēt, ka viņi iekļaus savos plānos tech potenciālu pilnībā.