27 Decembris 2013 @ 14:28
Par Enskombas biksēm jau noteikti visi zina. Te pāris anekdotes par viņas iespaidīgo dzīvesbiedru.

"He and Anscombe were very traditional on matters of sexual morality, and in 1962 they toasted the Humanae Vitae encyclical, which forbade Catholics' use of contraception, with champagne. They were fairly liberal with their children, however, and dismissive of cleanliness or supervision. On opening the door to a policeman and a lost child, Geach shouted into the house: "Elizabeth, is it one of ours?" It was."

"He tended to look over people's shoulders when talking to them, as if at some impersonal truth, was famously irascible and failed to suffer gladly anything he considered to conflict with Catholic doctrine, even if uttered by respected clerics. He once stood up during a sermon, shouting "This is heresy", and marched his family out of the church."