05 Marts 2013 @ 18:00
Nu ko, klausāmies jauno Hendriksa albumu!
05 Marts 2013 @ 19:19
Nabokovs Krievijā  
Nabokovs atkal nekādi neierakstās Krievijas kontekstā. Varētu šķist jocīgi, protams, jo Nabokovs pats nekad nav bijis politisks aktīvists un lozungu vācele, tomēr ja tā padomā, tad viss pareizi. Grūti atrast citu autoru, kura darbos būtu tik ļoti izmiets viss, kas raksturo to, kas šobrīd Krievijā notiek.

On Christmas Eve, 2012, St. Petersburg’s Nabokov Museum received a similar e-mail, full of bad spelling and signed by five people calling themselves the “free Cossacks of Saint Petersburg.” The museum made the e-mail available to me. After a respectful introduction addressed to the museum’s director, Tatyana Ponomareva, (“We ask you to consider this letter a request, nay, a plea, to a true Russian woman”), the faux Cossacks get down to business: “We believe that Nabokov’s museum cannot exist in St. Petersburg, and ask you to move it outside city limits…. Our goal is to rid our beloved country from the culture of Satan, depravity, and violence.”

Read more: http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/books/2013/02/the-turn-against-nabokov.html#ixzz2Mge00qmO