21 Septembris 2011 @ 03:13
"Vai, attiecībā uz ģimeni – stereotipiski varētu domāt, ka laimīgais ģimenes ideāls: ģimene ar diviem līdz četriem bērniem ir īstā laime. Bet pētījumi rāda, ka vislaimīgākais ir pāris, kamēr viņiem nav bērnu, kamēr viņi dzīvo divatā. Jauno vecāku laimes indekss krītas, bērnam piedzimstot – jo tas ir arī liels stress; vēlāk augšanas laime, tad skolā laišanas stress, tad miera brīdis un tad – agrīnie pusaudža gadi, kas laimes līmeni pasit uz leju. Un tad, kad pirmais no bērniem ir uzsācis pastāvīgu dzīvi, vecāku laimes līmenis atkal pieaug, un sākotnējā līmenī atgriežas tikai tad, kad iestājas „tukšās ligzdas laiks” – kad visi beidzot ir projām. Protams, empīriskie pētījumi ir pretrunā dzīves stila žurnālu paustajām idejām, kas gan strādā sabiedrības labā, tas nu jāatzīst..."

21 Septembris 2011 @ 03:39
"The only drug I was interested in was LSD but I look at my nine-year-old son now and he gets scared shitless by his dreams and nightmares and I think I was the same as a young man - I didn't really want to amplify what was already vivid to me. But I was curious and I've got drunk, I've smoked dope but not regularly. One time I was trying to write lyrics and I was stuck. The road crew had baked a hash cake and I thought that might help. I had this empty page staring at me and I thought, 'What the fuck do I do?' I started eating it and I was thinking, 'This just doesn't do anything.' So then I ate all of it. Ha ha ha. Then I thought, 'It's still not doing anything, I don't understand it.' So I sat down at my desk and there was this surge of silver metal that came shooting up my spine and exploded in the front of my head and I started hallucinating. I was absolutely certain I was going to die. I had a cassette recorder with me for lyrics and I thought, 'Ok, well I'll keep this with me to record my last words.' I started heading home to where Jill [his wife at the time] and the kids were. It was about a mile across some fields and a stream. If you listen to the tape now you can hear me fall into the stream and start swearing. I was trying to get my last words down but then I fell in a bramble bush. Eventually I got home and my wife saw me covered in blood and scratches and mud, she thought I'd been in a car crash but still holding onto a tape recorder for some reason."
